5 Digital Bites b/f Breakfast: Marketing Trends in 2017, Lost Art of Copywriting & More

Team Construct Digital
12 Dec 2016

Marketers, listen up! For this week’s digital news roundup, we list down online marketing trends expected to dominate in 2017, and talk about image extensions and the lost art of copywriting.

We’ll also check out Amazon Go, touted to be a grocery-shopping game-changer. And because Christmas is coming up, let’s pay a visit to the jolly of Santa Claus through the Google Santa Tracker.

1) 7 Online Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2017


As a marketer, you need to plan where to invest your marketing budgets in the year ahead, which is why keeping a strong interest in the latest innovations and trends is vital. The more you know, the better you can appeal to Internet users and stay ahead of your competitors.

So…what can we expect in the year 2017?

Forbes compiled a list of reliable and insightful digital marketing trends for the upcoming year. Predictions range from growth of augmented reality (AR) to expansion in data visualisation tools to niche targeting.

What do you expect for 2017? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

>> Originally from Forbes
Image source: Slideshare
Shared by Huong Le, Content Marketer

2) Whither The Craft Of Copywriting?


Content is king, they say.

But do people recognise well-written content when they see it? That means writing that is clean, crisp, and concise. Writing sounds human and compelling.

Unfortunately, good writing, when it presents itself, rarely gets recognised. Many creative departments are seldom run by directors who understand or appreciate the craft. Writing teams also tend to suffer budget cuts. Because of this de-emphasis of writing, so-so writing tends to dominate advertising these days.

It’s not all doom and gloom for writers. The paucity of real writers make sharp writing skills more valuable than ever. If you want to stand out from the pack of so-so writers or content marketers, then you need to master the craft of well-written content.

Pro tip from Bill Bernach: put a little of yourself in your copy. A small admission can gain you a large acceptance.

>>Originally from Campaign
Image source: Álvaro Serrano @ Unsplash
Shared by Ying Yi Wan, Content Marketer

3) The Future Of Grocery Shopping


Imagine walking into a supermarket, grabbing what you want…and leaving without ever queueing for the counter. Welcome to the future of grocery shopping. Soon, it would become so convenient you’d never dread going to the store again even on a packed weekend.

All thanks to Amazon GO.

Amazon GO just launched its very own ‘checkout free’ grocery store in Seattle. Come early 2017, in select areas, you can get your groceries without having to queue up at the checkout counter.

Here’s all you need to do:

  • Slide the Amazon Go app at the store’s gantry to enter.
  • Grab whatever you want – everything you pick up or put back is automatically updated on your virtual cart.
  • Just walk out. 

>>Originally from Venture Beat
Image source: Alexas_Fotos@Pixabay
Shared by Dave Teo, Project Manager

4) Google Is Testing Images In Sitelink Extensions


Are image extensions here to stay? Surprisingly, this is not the first time Google is getting image sitelink extensions off the ground. Back in 2013, image sitelinks first made their debut in the search engine. Now, Google appears to be giving image sitelinks another chance with swipe-able carousel images.

Just a week ago, Google also made updates to price extensions. Is Google looking to heavily revamp all sitelink extensions? And if so, what impact will it have on the SERPs above the fold? Read more to find out!

>>Originally from Search Engine Land
Image source: Search Engine Land
Shared by 
Krystal Santa Maria, Digital Marketer

5) Tracking Santa On Christmas Eve


Like the rest of us, Google loves Santa. For 12 years now, Google has been running an interactive wonderland where you can track Santa’s moves across the globe.

This year, the tech giant added more to the fun, with free educational games, customised Snowflake Cards, coding lessons, a Maps feature to track Santa on Christmas Eve, Wrap Battle and Reindeer Runner web games, and more. You can even learn how to speak a new language through the Christmas-themed Google translator.

Will you be using Google’s Santa Tracker come Christmas eve? Let us know.

>>Originally from Mashable
Image source: screenshot from Google Santa Tracker
Shared by Dave Teo, Project Manager

Want more digital news? Check out the rest of our 5 Digital Bites b/f Breakfast series!

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Header image: Flickr

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